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Snoring can be more than an annoying problem for some people. It can interfere with sleep patterns and lead to exhaustion, daytime drowsiness, and more. Getting a rhinoplasty can be the most effective solution to snoring in some cases.

Snoring is a Common problem

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, nearly half of all American adults snore. About 25% of all adults are habitual snorers. While snoring could be caused or affected by allergies, colds, excessive weight, or even alcohol consumption, there are also some other causes which are linked to structural issues in the anatomy.

Depending on the underlying cause, rhinoplasty could help with treating the issue and giving you (and those around you) relief from your incessant snoring.

For instance, having crooked nasal passages can make breathing difficult. A rhinoplasty can fix issues with the structure of the nose, the size of the nostrils, and the size of nasal passages to help with breathing.

Deviated Nasal Septum Can Be Fixed With Rhinoplasty

One problem that is fixed with a nose job or rhinoplasty, is a deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum can sometimes be bent or not properly centered, impacting your ability to breathe normally. A skilled cosmetic surgeon can use plastic surgery to correct this issue, easing breathing problems and by extension, the snoring.

Functional Rhinoplasty May Help If You have Sleep Apnea Too

Chronic snoring is a common complaint among those with sleep apnea.

If you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), you might find yourself being roused when you’re sleeping because your breathing is obstructed. Your body wakes you up to be able to breathe properly again. It might also cause you to always sleep with your mouth open or gasp for breath in your sleep.

A doctor will be able to examine you to determine if you have OSA and to check whether clearing nasal obstructions can help.

Next Steps For a Rhinoplasty

Once your cosmetic surgeon and doctor determine that a rhinoplasty can help your snoring, you will need to set a date for the procedure. It will be conducted under anesthesia or sedation and you should be able to return to work in a couple of weeks.

The rhinoplasty procedure should help you:

  • Snore less
  • Sleep better
  • Ease other related problems, like daytime drowsiness

If you have a functional rhinoplasty, it may be possible to have the expenses covered by your insurance provider. Remember, if you combine it with a cosmetic rhinoplasty this may not always be possible as cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance.

Consult a Facial Cosmetic Surgeon to Check if Rhinoplasty Can Help

If you suspect that your snoring might be linked to nasal constructions of some kind, rhinoplasty could be the answer.

Why not fix an appointment with a good cosmetic surgeon to have it checked? The Face Toronto cosmetic surgery center is conveniently located at 251 Davenport Rd, Toronto, ON M5R 1J9, Canada. Schedule a consultation to learn more.

Dr Jamil Asaria is a highly skilled board-certified facial cosmetic surgeon who handles rhinoplasty at Face Toronto. He has handled thousands of complex facial surgeries and is highly trained to handle all kinds of intricate procedures. He will be able to examine you and help determine if you could benefit from rhinoplasty.

Does rhinoplasty stop snoring?

Dr. Jamil Asaria - Face Toronto

251 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 1J9, Canada

The next generation of Cosmetic Surgery

Does rhinoplasty stop snoring?

Dr. Jamil Asaria is a top facial plastic surgeon in Toronto that specializes in facelifts, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery. He also performs an array of other facial cosmetic surgery procedures such as neck liposuction, chin implants, and hair transplantations to name a few. Learn how he has helped thousands of individuals successfully address their aesthetic concerns and face life with renewed self-confidence.

*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment.


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Practice Policy Update Regarding COVID-19

Dear Patients:

At FACE Toronto we are committed to protecting the safety of our patients, staff, and the general public while maintaining our high standard of quality care. As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have made changes to our patient care practices in accordance with all provincial and Public Health recommendations. Our team has been working diligently on enhancing our safety protocols to protect the well-being of our patients, team members, and families. We would like to highlight how we are providing a safe environment for you and our team:

  • We will be pre-screening all patients that are scheduled to come into our office for any symptoms of COVID-19. We will ask patients to stay home with symptoms of COVD-19, chronic lung disease, severe asthma, serious heart conditions, and uncontrolled type 1 diabetes. A mandatory Covid-19 consent form must be filled out before arrival to the clinic and temperature checks will be administered upon entering the building.
  • We have implemented a policy for the safety and testing of our staff members including daily screening and temperature checks. We will be maintaining physical distancing as much as possible throughout the office for staff and patients.
  • The timing of patient visits has been adjusted in order to limit the number of people in the office at a given time and to allow for enhanced disinfecting and cleaning protocols we have put in place in between patients.
  • We request that patients come on their own to all appointments unless absolutely necessary. We are not servicing any walk-in patients and not allowing visitors or children to accompany any patient.
  • For your safety all of our staff will be wearing masks when interacting with patients in the office and routine hand-washing is required.
  • We request that you wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, a mask will be provided. Hand sanitation stations will be available upon entering and throughout the office.
  • We are pleased to offer virtual visits as an option for non-urgent appointments. The software we have in place provides appropriate safety and privacy for the interaction.
  • We have increased our in-office cleaning. All areas of patient traffic are regularly cleaned throughout the day. All treatment rooms are cleaned between every patient encounter. All chairs and table tops in the waiting room as well as treatment rooms will be wiped down between patients, including counters, keyboards and door handles. Our credit/debit card terminal will be disinfected after each use. We have also enhanced the air filtration quality in our space to provide patients with surgically clean air.

We are so excited to welcome you back and look forward to continuing to help our patients look and feel their best! We encourage you to reach out to our office now to schedule your appointment. Please feel free to contact our team by phone at 416-479-4244 or email at [email protected].