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Dr. Asaria has been featured by Major Media Outlets

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Browse the articles and videos below to see a sampling of Dr. Asaria's recent appearances in the media.

News & Media

Dr. Asaria featured in Toronto Star

Celebrity hair restoration has come so far, baldness could be a thing of the past

News & Media

Facelift Consultation Process

The Optimal Age for a Facelift

Dr. Jamil Asaria "The Patient Doesn't Know How they Will React"

Dr. Jamil Asaria on "Fellows in Training"

Dr. Jamil Asaria on "Confidence" Pt 2

Dr. Jamil Asaria on "Confidence" Pt 4

Dr. Jamil Asaria on "Confidence" Pt 5

Dr. Asaria and Other Cosmetic Surgeons Come Together to Lend Ventilators to Hospitals

Dr. Asaria discusses non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures

Dr. Jamil Asaria discusses Kylie Jenner's lip fillers

Dr. Jamil Asaria discusses his approach to eyelid surgery

The Obsession With Lindsay Lohan’s Face Heralds a New Era of “Undetectable” Cosmetic Surgery

The Kit

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People are obsessed with Lindsay Lohan’s changing face. Here’s why it heralds a new era of “undetectable” cosmetic surger

The Globe and Mail

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Famous Faces Are Morphing Into One Beauty Ideal

The Kit

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The uproar over Bradley Cooper’s prosthetic in ‘Maestro’ is a reminder that the nose is powerfully linked to identity

The Globe and Mail

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Dr. Asaria featured online in The Globe and Mail

The Globe and Mail

Read the full article where Dr. Asaria contributes his expert opinions.

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Dr. Asaria featured online in Fashion Magazine

Fashion Magazine

Read Dr. Asaria's perspective on how an ethnic rhinoplasty should be performed.

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Dr. Asaria featured in Elevate Magazine

Elevate Magazine

Discussing the facial filler Emervel, Dr. Asaria shares his expertise with the Elevate Event attendees.

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Dr. Asaria featured in The Fashion Magazine

Fashion Magazine

Read the story of how Dr. Asaria helped one patient achieve the nose of her dreams.

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Dr. Asaria featured in Elevate Magazine

Elevate Magazine

Dr. Asaria was featured in a questionnaire for the November issue of Elevate Magazine.

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Dr. Asaria featured in NY Times

New York Times

With beard transplants on the rise, Dr. Asaria gets some recognition for his expertise in the area.

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Reality Show Reverses Cosmetic Surgeries In Plastic Surgery Nation Of The World

News & Media

Dr. Jamil Asaria’s expertise was recently featured in an iVillage article about plastic surgery in South Korea.

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Dr. Asaria on eTalk discussing Kylie Jenner's lips

At FACE Toronto, One Size Does Not Fit All

Evelate Magazine

"For non-Caucasian patients, they should find a surgeon that has a large proportion of ethnic patients. Surgeons who are focusing on ethnic surgery can deliver a more natural and well-balanced result for patients." — Dr. Jamil Asaria

Dr. Asaria was recently featured in Elevate Magazine, sharing his expertise in ethnic rhinoplasty procedures. With his expansive knowledge and individualized approach to ethnic rhinoplasty, Dr. Asaria helps patients understand what to look for when considering this procedure.

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Big eyebrow trend is big business

News & Media
News & Media

As a growing trend in facial beauty, patients are lining up to get the eyebrows they've always wanted.

Facial hair transplants on the rise

News & Media

Plastic surgeons in Canada are reporting a surprising increase in the number of patients seeking facial hair transplants.

Under Construction: Teens & Plastic Surgery

News & Media

"According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, teen cosmetic procedures went up two per cent from 2011 to 2012. While there are no precise Canadian stats, the experts we talked to said their patient population definitely includes more youth."

Dr. Asaria on NBA TV's Open Gym series with the Toronto Raptors

Dr. Jamil Asaria on Open Gym with the Toronto Raptors

Dr. Asaria appeared in a recent episode of NBA TV's Open Gym. The show goes behind the scenes for an inside look at the Raptors' 19th season as an NBA team. Dr. Asaria is the official consulting head & neck surgeon for the Raptors.

Dr. Asaria was a recent guest on Sirius XM 167 That's What She Said

Dr. Asaria was recently featured on eTalk as a leader in dimpleplasty

Researcher & Author

As a researcher, reviewer and author, Dr. Asaria makes regular contributions to journals such as the American Journal of Rhinology & Allergry, the Journal of Head & Neck Surgery and other publications.

News & Media

Consulting Surgeon

Dr. Asaria is also an official consultant surgeon and the ear, nose and throat specialist for the Toronto Raptors basketball team as well as a consultant surgeon to the Cleveland Clinic Toronto and MDDirect.

News & Media

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Practice Policy Update Regarding COVID-19

Dear Patients:

At FACE Toronto we are committed to protecting the safety of our patients, staff, and the general public while maintaining our high standard of quality care. As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have made changes to our patient care practices in accordance with all provincial and Public Health recommendations. Our team has been working diligently on enhancing our safety protocols to protect the well-being of our patients, team members, and families. We would like to highlight how we are providing a safe environment for you and our team:

  • We will be pre-screening all patients that are scheduled to come into our office for any symptoms of COVID-19. We will ask patients to stay home with symptoms of COVD-19, chronic lung disease, severe asthma, serious heart conditions, and uncontrolled type 1 diabetes. A mandatory Covid-19 consent form must be filled out before arrival to the clinic and temperature checks will be administered upon entering the building.
  • We have implemented a policy for the safety and testing of our staff members including daily screening and temperature checks. We will be maintaining physical distancing as much as possible throughout the office for staff and patients.
  • The timing of patient visits has been adjusted in order to limit the number of people in the office at a given time and to allow for enhanced disinfecting and cleaning protocols we have put in place in between patients.
  • We request that patients come on their own to all appointments unless absolutely necessary. We are not servicing any walk-in patients and not allowing visitors or children to accompany any patient.
  • For your safety all of our staff will be wearing masks when interacting with patients in the office and routine hand-washing is required.
  • We request that you wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, a mask will be provided. Hand sanitation stations will be available upon entering and throughout the office.
  • We are pleased to offer virtual visits as an option for non-urgent appointments. The software we have in place provides appropriate safety and privacy for the interaction.
  • We have increased our in-office cleaning. All areas of patient traffic are regularly cleaned throughout the day. All treatment rooms are cleaned between every patient encounter. All chairs and table tops in the waiting room as well as treatment rooms will be wiped down between patients, including counters, keyboards and door handles. Our credit/debit card terminal will be disinfected after each use. We have also enhanced the air filtration quality in our space to provide patients with surgically clean air.

We are so excited to welcome you back and look forward to continuing to help our patients look and feel their best! We encourage you to reach out to our office now to schedule your appointment. Please feel free to contact our team by phone at 416-479-4244 or email at [email protected].