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At FACE, we offer a full array of cosmetic services, all of which we deliver with the utmost care and competence. In this way, we can cater to a large number of clients and a broad variety of issues. Following are additional services offered by Dr. Asaria. We encourage you to take advantage of any you see fit.

Over the years, cosmetic technology has evolved a great deal. Toady there are countless treatment options all advertised and designed to enhance one’s appearance and restore youth. With so many choices it can be hard to know where to start.

At FACE Toronto, our cosmetic experts do this work for you. We take the time to evaluate new emerging procedures and make sure to only bring our patients the very best in cutting-edge technologies technology, methods and products. In this way we ensure you that you always have a full array of top-quality options in skin and body care at your fingertips.

Each procedure or product we offer is engineered to target and treat specific parts or problem areas of the body. Whatever you are seeking to address, you can rest assured we have an effective solution to offer. Read below to learn more about the various aesthetic and skin care services and products we offer.

Aesthetic & Skin Care

Non-invasive body contouring with titefix

In the current trend of using radiofrequency to correct cosmetic issues, TiteFx leads the way with its ability to shape and contour the body by creating a process known as lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fats and other oils.

This is a remarkable product and provides the next generation of lipolysis. Not only can it remove surface fat such as cellulite, but it can also dig deeper to actually reduce circumferential dimensions around the body.

TiteFx may be used on its own, or it may be used in conjunction with liposuction. In any case, its targeted radiofrequency can be used to target specific problem areas while maximizing safety and comfort. Not only is there no downtime with minimal discomfort, the results are immediate and long lasting.


Microdermabrasion is a recent procedure that is gaining popularity, and one which our expert esthetician execute with proficiency and results.

Consider microdermabrasion as a method of cleaning your skin in the fullest sense of the word. While there are many home microdermabrasion kits, it is highly recommended that you receive it from a trained professional.

Microdermabrasion serves to remove the outermost layer of the epidermis, called the stratum comeum. It does this using exfoliating crystals, followed by a vacuuming device that removes the loosened surface skin. With the surface layer now gone, your body rushes to replace those lost cells, healing what it has now interpreted to be a mild injury. This healing process brings new cells, eliminating previous issues such as:

  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Warts
  • Eczema
  • Herpetic Lesions

Photo facial

A photo facial is a light-based skin resurfacing treatment. It may be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, and it also promotes collagen regrowth, helping your skin regain elasticity.

There are two primary types of photo facials: Light-Emitting Diode (LED) and Intense-Pulsed Light (IPL).

LED: An LED photo facial specifically boosts collagen, creating a younger, plumper look. It may also be used to kill acne-causing bacteria. Additionally, LED facials are cool and relaxing with no risk of burning.

IPL: Slightly more intense than an LED photo facial, an IPL is used to treat specific blemishes, such as brown spots, broken capillaries and facial redness. It delivers a focused, bright blast of light-based energy through a handheld device.

If a photo facial sounds right for you, Dr. Asaria can help you determine which type will better suit you. His expertise in photo facials contributes to his status as a top skin resurfacing expert in Toronto.

Hair Removal

Using the latest F1-Diode Laser™ technology, hair removal is an extremely effective and comfortable treatment designed to remove unwanted hair permanently. The laser effectively destroys hair-generating cells at the root, eliminating the need for you to shave on a daily basis. A free consultation will help to determine the number of treatments required depending on location, skin type and hair quality.


Unlike other over-the-counter eyelash products, Latisse is the only eyelash treatment that is approved by both the FDA and Health Canada. It can be used to effectively grow eyelashes longer, thicker and darker. The active ingredient is bimatoprost, and Latisse is only available by prescription at a certified clinic.

The results of Latisse are visible after four weeks, with full results appearing after 16 weeks. Side effects are rare, but may include itching, redness, or dryness in the eye area. Schedule an appointment today to find out if Latisse is right for you.

Zo skin care line

Dr. Asaria and FACE Toronto are proud to offer the entire line of ZO skin health products. Developed by Dr. Zein Obagi, these products have caused a stir in the world of skin care, appearing on numerous TV shows, magazines and other publications.

In the world of personal, daily skin care, these products are a must. Dr. Obagi has developed a well-rounded series of cleansers, polishes, serums and primers to promote overall health and glowing appearance of your skin.

These rejuvenating products may be used to:

  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stimulate natural cellular function and healthy skin activity
  • Promote a more even skin tone and finer pores
  • Preserve and maintain a youthful complexion
  • Improve mild or severe textural problems induced by sun, disease, hormones or negligence
  • Help prevent future skin damage

Dr. Asaria’s well-rounded expertise in skin care gives him a great advantage over most dermatologists, plastic surgeons and med spas. If you choose to come in for a consultation, he will be thorough, exploring everything you would like to handle and figuring out an exact plan of action. His superlative communication will leave you feeling totally understood, knowing that you and Dr. Asaria are on the same page.

Aesthetic & Skin Care

Dr. Jamil Asaria - Face Toronto

251 Davenport Rd. Toronto, ON M5R 1J9, Canada

The next generation of Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic & Skin Care

Dr. Jamil Asaria is a top facial plastic surgeon in Toronto that specializes in facelifts, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery. He also performs an array of other facial cosmetic surgery procedures such as neck liposuction, chin implants, and hair transplantations to name a few. Learn how he has helped thousands of individuals successfully address their aesthetic concerns and face life with renewed self-confidence.

*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment.


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Practice Policy Update Regarding COVID-19

Dear Patients:

At FACE Toronto we are committed to protecting the safety of our patients, staff, and the general public while maintaining our high standard of quality care. As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have made changes to our patient care practices in accordance with all provincial and Public Health recommendations. Our team has been working diligently on enhancing our safety protocols to protect the well-being of our patients, team members, and families. We would like to highlight how we are providing a safe environment for you and our team:

  • We will be pre-screening all patients that are scheduled to come into our office for any symptoms of COVID-19. We will ask patients to stay home with symptoms of COVD-19, chronic lung disease, severe asthma, serious heart conditions, and uncontrolled type 1 diabetes. A mandatory Covid-19 consent form must be filled out before arrival to the clinic and temperature checks will be administered upon entering the building.
  • We have implemented a policy for the safety and testing of our staff members including daily screening and temperature checks. We will be maintaining physical distancing as much as possible throughout the office for staff and patients.
  • The timing of patient visits has been adjusted in order to limit the number of people in the office at a given time and to allow for enhanced disinfecting and cleaning protocols we have put in place in between patients.
  • We request that patients come on their own to all appointments unless absolutely necessary. We are not servicing any walk-in patients and not allowing visitors or children to accompany any patient.
  • For your safety all of our staff will be wearing masks when interacting with patients in the office and routine hand-washing is required.
  • We request that you wear a mask. If you do not have a mask, a mask will be provided. Hand sanitation stations will be available upon entering and throughout the office.
  • We are pleased to offer virtual visits as an option for non-urgent appointments. The software we have in place provides appropriate safety and privacy for the interaction.
  • We have increased our in-office cleaning. All areas of patient traffic are regularly cleaned throughout the day. All treatment rooms are cleaned between every patient encounter. All chairs and table tops in the waiting room as well as treatment rooms will be wiped down between patients, including counters, keyboards and door handles. Our credit/debit card terminal will be disinfected after each use. We have also enhanced the air filtration quality in our space to provide patients with surgically clean air.

We are so excited to welcome you back and look forward to continuing to help our patients look and feel their best! We encourage you to reach out to our office now to schedule your appointment. Please feel free to contact our team by phone at 416-479-4244 or email at [email protected].